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We offer training for universities, colleges, schools and other organisations where we share resources, expertise and advice on  delivering GRT higher education outreach. As part of this training, we create a supportive space for you to consider what work you could do  in your own organisation. 

What could we do for you?

Here is a general description of the session we could offer, The length, format and focus could be adapted depending on the requirements of your organisation, 

Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people (GRT) represent one of the most marginalised higher education minorities yet currently there is a lack of national direction and impetus for widening access to, and supporting the retention and success of this group. At the University of Sussex we have been working towards GRT inclusion through targeted university outreach. Our unique CIAO model highlights the need for close partnership working between academics, outreach, education providers and local communities.  


This free training, aimed specifically at outreach professionals at universities, schools and colleges will cover:

  • The specific barriers faced by GRT people and the need for inclusive practice before, during and after higher education

  • The experiences and expertise of developing GRT specific outreach at the University of Sussex in partnership

  • Space for you to consider how you might take our insights forward into your own outreach practices to support GRT towards or into higher education.



Dr Emily Danvers and Dr Tamsin Hinton-Smith (University of Sussex Department of Education) Chris Derbyshire (University of Sussex Widening Participation) and Tommy Buck (Friends, Families and Travellers).

What do our attendees think?

100% of those who attended training in June 2022 stated that the training was either very valuable or valuable in improving their knowledge of the barriers facing GRT in HE. Feedback comments included:

It was very inspiring and practical. I met with one of my staff who also attended immediately after the training and we were buzzing with ideas.

Thank you for running this session on an important topic, and for making me challenge and reassess some of my assumptions.

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