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  • edanvers

New research paper out now!

We have a new research paper out that is based on our research and outreach projects to support GRT communities since 2019.

The paper is called 'Marginalisation and mixed feelings: supporting students of Gypsy, Roma and traveller heritage imagining higher education in the UK'. You can access it here:

The paper is open access which means (we hope) that anyone can use it and read it but if you can't download it for any reason, please contact us.

There are lots of different findings from our work that we explore in the paper but a key learning point is that we need contextually-sensitive outreach for people of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller heritage that foregrounds ethnicity but doesn't reduce people to a blunt 'label' or 'target'. We also think that for the academy’s promises of 'inclusion' to be meaningfully inclusive, any outreach needs to be accompanied by 'inreach'. By this we mean active anti-racist work that values GRT voices, histories and experiences within practices, cultures and curricula in order that outreach does not act as a cruel promise but a site of renewal and possibility.

We hope you enjoy it and we would love to discuss any comments with you.

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